Category: How to

  • How to Create A Yahoo Account

    How to Create A Yahoo Account

    To being a part of yahoo site system you should first have to create your own account in yahoo app. By following the steps below you will have the answer to the question how to create a yahoo account? Step 01: Go to and click the “sign in”. Step 02: Sign in page will…

  • How to Create A Hotmail Account

    How to Create A Hotmail Account

    Hotmail is also the mailing system. It is now easy to answer how to create a Hotmail account. For creating the Hotmail account follow the steps below. Step 01: Go to and enter the desired email address with and press the next button. Step 02: Enter your password. Step 03: Enter your first…

  • How to create Second Instagram Account

    How to create Second Instagram Account

    Instagram is the most popular social networking site being more and more popular in the world. To get enter into the world of the Instagram a person must have to make his or her personal account on it like facebook and twitter. If you want to have second account on Instagram I will discuss here…

  • How to Delete Apple ID in 3 Easy Steps

    How to Delete Apple ID in 3 Easy Steps

    For the purpose of the deletion of the account from Apple ID, It offers 2 ways one is the permanent deletion of the account and second is the temporary deletion or deactivation of the ID. How to delete apple ID permanently is a major issue for those who wants to remove their account from apple.…

  • How to Create Facebook Account in 2 Easy Steps 2019

    Facebook is the most popular social media and online networking app. This is used by people to stay connected with the other people no matter they are in any place of the world. To remain connected with the others around the globe you must have to create your account on the Facebook app. If you…

  • How to Create Twitter Account 2019

    How to Create Twitter Account 2019

    Twitter is another social networking site operated around the globe. Most of the professional people use Twitter to stay connected and to become updated with every new thing getting into the people conversation. For that one should have the account on the site of the twitter. In order to have an account on twitter if…

  • How to Delete Twitter Account 2019

    How to Delete Twitter Account 2019

    There will be many reasons for a person who wants to remove his account like maybe a person is fed up of interacting with unknown people or wants to create another new account so for that purpose he or she wants to remove their old account.  After creating an account on the social sites many…

  • How to Delete Tiktok Account

    How to Delete Tiktok Account

    Now a day’s tiktok is one of the famous applications which are used by most of the people around the globe. This is a social app used for the purpose of fun videos making. If you do not want to be part of this app anymore and wants to leave its world then you have…

  • How to Delete a PayPal Account 2019

    How to Delete a PayPal Account 2019

    PayPal is the worldwide online payment system which is hold by the American company. It helps in all types of money transfer across the world. If you are not anymore using your PayPal account then delete your account. The answer of the question of how to delete a PayPal account is written below. Step 01:…